It seems like such a long time since I wrote a blog, although it is only four months since we were last in Kenya. These four months have been interesting, with lots of challenges for PottersHeart…… it has been a time of prayer and reflection. Honestly there have been times during these months when we have asked the question…”What are we doing, can we really make a difference?” It is hard not to be overwhelmed with the task set before us, but we have to remember the lives that have been saved and transformed. We remember the babies that have been saved from having their uvula cut off shortly after birth, the wives that are no longer beaten and rapped, the myths about malaria and other diseases that have been dispelled, and so much more.
It is sometimes difficult to be a small player in a big field, but we also have to look at the benefits that affords us. When people donate money they know that we will be personally going into the villages, that we will be getting to know the local people, that we will have stories to tell, and photos to show right down at grass root level.
This trip will be about focussing on what we are called to do, teaching and training. Because we are in a time of succession planning we decided to take a small team, just six of us. Sadly due to illness one of our nurses had to drop out last week, and we still have one other team member not feeling well, and unsure whether she can make it. Will you join us in praying for her return to full health.
Watch this space for stories from the villages.
Love Linden x