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Building bricks bring homes and hope

Linden Boothby

We are so thankful that at last the building work is about to begin. Soon these rough hewn stones will build a little house, the first building on this land! This little house will be a very important place, it will contain the pump and electrics needed to work the borehole………….the last piece in the jigsaw to bring the life giving water to the surface and to the local community. It will also provide a home and shelter for the person who will be paid to look after the water and its distribution. Win, win situation. I can’t wait to see the relief in the faces of the families who will at long last have water near their homes, just imagine the relief to the Mum who has had to walk for miles to fetch water and then carry it home……….probably carrying the baby on her back at the same time! I can’t even lift one of the containers and these folk carry two of them for hours. Bring on the building!

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