Dreaming big on the land in Miti Mingi – February 2017
Eighteen months ago we stood on the plot of land in Miti Mingi dreaming of a bore hole, followed by a Youth & Adult Training Centre. It seemed like such a huge dream, at the time PottersHeart barely had the money to put post and wire fence round the plot.
Now thanks to many individual donations, and one larger donation last Saturday, we are excited to say we have enough money to drill for water!!!! We will now apply for a drilling permit, they can take up to two months! We might arrange for the drilling to happen in November, during that time we will be in Miti Mingi with a team. How exciting will it be to stand there as the living water rises to the surface from 250 metres down in the earth. We can’t begin to imagine the change this will make in so many lives, and it will mean that we can do building work, and in the future provide plenty of clean water for all the students and teachers at the training centre. When we stood there in February, a lady from a nearby hut came and asked, “Is the water really coming here? we thought we were forgotten.” On the days when it seemed like the funds were slow to come in, I am spurred on remembering her words. God is so good, and what He orders He will resource.
Now we need to get the costings in for the pump to pump the water up, we are going to look at how much a solar powered pump would be.
This is Lucy, she knows how hard it is to live without any water supply. She and her husband have lived for years in an area of drought. They live high on a ridge, the road is red mud. Their daily routine includes walking miles and miles for water. When the bore hole is done, Lucy’s daily trek will be shorter by half…….. still unimaginable to us but to her sheer bliss!
Thank you, thank you to all who have helped on this journey.
Linden x