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Time to Partner with the Potters Heart

Linden Boothby

The Dream...

Building a Training Centre in Rural Kenya

These are exciting times for PottersHeart....... the training centre we’ve dreamed of building is becoming a reality! John has captured our vision on paper and we can picture it, standing on the beautiful plot of land in Miti Mingi.

Jumping through all the legal hoops in Kenya remains a challenge. Face to face communication is always easier, so we’re planning a short trip to Nakuru on the 24th April to listen and talk. No teaching on this trip unfortunately! But getting the foundations of this project right in every sense of the word is the priority right now.

To see the land and learn more about PottersHeart, our supporters and the people we help...have a look at our latest video......

Our Next Trip…

…from 25th September for two weeks we will be back in the villages, training. PottersHeart only operates through our volunteers, and we really appreciate the input they provide…..and its often not what we think it will be!.

We’ll be looking for people to teach & train, people to build….but the most importantly, people who want to love and serve others. If you sense a stirring in your heart to get involved in this way we’d love to hear from you. Just send an email to lets have a chat about it.


Development Update

Walking for water

Since we left in February the work is going well. The fledgling Voluntary Community Health Team in Olrongai are making good progress. So far they are able to teach the basics on hygiene, nutrition, diabetes, and stress management........ teaching we know saves lives.

But life is still very tough for these people. The rains are coming….but as yet it is still very dry, and nothing is growing. It’s difficult when you can't just pop to the shop..... you literally have to wait for crops to grow to have food on the table...... bring on the rain!

Really each village needs a borehole but drilling one costs thousands of pounds because of how deep the water is in this area. We teach about ‘water harvesting’, so when the rain comes the water won’t be wasted. But a large water container and guttering costs about £120…..per house (15,505 Kenyan Shillings). Putting it into perspective…most of these people live on less than £1.00 a day!


PottersHearts Solution….

The Land

So, this brings us back to the need for the training centre…the only facility for adult education for hundreds of miles. Jobs are scarce in rural Kenya and to get a chance of work people need to have an education. To be able to read and write, and to understand the basics we take for granted.

Sadly, very few in these villages have been that fortunate! In fact, we’re seeing a whole generation of adults who have missed out. We see many families who even today are not able to afford to send their children to school.

At PottersHeart we want to make a real difference in these peoples lives…..but we need your help.

We know this facility will have a massive impact because today’s adults will be trained to equip the next and future generations.

If you see value in our work. If you want to be part of the solution to this problem…..of saving lives in rural Kenya….we invite you to partner with PottersHeart. Because of the way we work, every donation…..however large or small….will make a huge difference. Every £1 will buy 5 bricks…so no donation is insignificant…

Will you make a choice to partner with us today?

Follow this link to pledge your support to PottersHeart.

Thank you for all your help

Linden & John

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